15 Lesser-Known Facts About Apollo 11

Fifty-one years ago, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed the Lunar Module the “Eagle” and took the first human steps on the lunar surface.

Hundreds of millions of viewers around the world saw history taking place. You’ve probably seen the famous pictures. And here are fifteen lesser-known facts about the historic Apollo 11 mission.

1) Moon Rocks

Picture showing a close-up view of the lunar rocks contained in the second Apollo 11 sample return container. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing a close-up view of the lunar rocks contained in the second Apollo 11 sample return container. Credit: NASA.

The astronauts collected 47.51 pounds of rocks and soil from the lunar surface. And three minerals were found from samples: Armalcolite, tranquillityite, and finally pyroxferroite.

The Moon rock named Armalcolite was first found in the Sea of Tranquility. And it was named after the crew of the Apollo 11 mission: Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. The minerals were later also found on Earth.

2) Neil Armstrong Nearly Didn’t Survive Training

Neil ejects from the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle, which crashed while on a landing simulation. Credit: NASA
Neil ejects from the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle, which crashed while on a landing simulation. Credit: NASA

Armstrong Apollo 11 commander was training as the backup commander for Apollo 9 mission. It was a year before his historic mission as Apollo 11 commander.

Neil was carrying out a simulated lunar lander landing when he lost control of the flying vehicle located at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston. At 200 feet up, Neil chose to eject, and the flying “lander” crashed and burned on impact just seconds later as he drifted safely to the ground in a parachute.

Neil remembered that the simulations were exceedingly harder than the real lunar landing because tests here on Earth had to account for turbulence, wind, gusts, and other circumstances not present in the environment on the Moon.

3) A Pocket Full of Lunar Dust

Picture showing Astronaut Neil Armstrong stands next to the Lunar Module "Eagle" on the moon, July 20, 1969. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing Astronaut Neil Armstrong stands next to the Lunar Module “Eagle” on the moon, July 20, 1969. Credit: NASA.

After Neil began his historic first step onto the lunar surface, Armstrong took a handful of Moon soil, rocks and stowed it in the pocket of his spacesuit. It was planned as a “contingency sample.” In case the astronauts had to rush off the lunar surface. So at least scientists had some material to work with.

Neil commented on the lunar landscape: “It has a stark beauty all its own similar to the high desert of the United States.” Later in a 2001 conversation, he also displayed curiosity at the simple details in the Moon’s atmosphere: – “There was no dust when you kicked. That is a result of having an atmosphere. And when you don’t possess an atmosphere, you don’t have any vapors of dust.”

4) Flying The US Flag

Picture showing Astronaut Buzz Aldrin poses for a photograph beside the United States flag on the moon. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing Astronaut Buzz Aldrin poses for a photograph beside the United States flag on the moon. Credit: NASA.

The American flag that was historically planted by Armstrong and Aldrin was created so it could “fly” in the airless Moon conditions. So the designer’s deputy division chief David McCraw and Jack Kinzler, technical services division chief, stitched a hem onto the top of a 3×5 nylon US flag and slid in an aluminum rod that would keep the flag out to the side.

The US flag is likely no longer standing. Pictures in recent years display banners from later Apollo missions still is upright, but not Apollo 11. Aldrin says that as the lunar module took off from the lunar surface at the Apollo 11 expedition’s end, he noticed it being beaten by the lunar lander’s exhaust.

5) The Ladies Behind The Apollo 11 Mission

Picture showing NASA research mathematician Katherine Johnson is photographed at her desk at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, 1966. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing NASA research mathematician Katherine Johnson is photographed at her desk at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, 1966. Credit: NASA.

Nasa’s mathematician Katherine Johnson composed the computations for Apollo 11 trajectory to the Moon. Katherine was one of only a few African-American women chosen to work as “human computers” to verify and check engineer calculations at NACA or the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. It was the agency that preceded NASA. So she was a key contributor to numerous space milestones.

Katherine composed the trajectory for astronaut Alan Shepherd’s first flight in 1961. The first American in space and the attestation of calculations for astronaut John Glenn’s 1962 orbit. Katherine Johnson was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the year 2015, and her life story was turned into the 2016 movie “Hidden Figures.”

6) Pieces of The Wright Brother’s Very First Plane Was Onboard Apollo 11

The Air Force contacted Neil Armstrong to see if he’d be ready to take parts of the Wright Brothers’ first airplane to the Moon. And as a thank you, Neil would be permitted to keep half of the historical pieces. So Neil, who was an avid flier, was of course, very enthusiastic.

Neil’s son said in an earlier interview that first and foremost, Neil was an engineer and someone who desired to make airplanes better. That was his adolescence goal to be an aircraft designer.

7) Neil Armstrong’s Brilliant First Line

Picture showing Close-up view of an Apollo 11 astronaut's footprint in the Moon soil photographed with a 70mm lunar surface camera. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing Close-up view of an Apollo 11 astronaut’s footprint in the Moon soil photographed with a 70mm lunar surface camera. Credit: NASA.

Neil pondered on his memorable first line, – “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” After stepping onto the lunar surface. In a 2001 interview for NASA, Armstrong said that he was preoccupied with more pressing tasks in the time after the lunar landing and before venturing out in his spacesuit while he ponders what to say.

So, it was a pretty simple statement, talking about stepping off something. Why it wasn’t a very complex thing, but it was what it was.

8) The Goal of Apollo 11 Was To Arrive on The Moon And Then Return to Earth

When it came to the mission’s primary objective, NASA kept it easy. “Complete a manned Moon landing and return.”

The famous Apollo program’s main goal was to send three astronauts into the Moon’s orbit, but president John F. Kennedy required more.

So when the Apollo program was announced in 1960, the initial plan was to send a small crew of astronauts into the Moon’s orbit and not to its surface. 

9) Defending Against Moon Germs

Picture showing Looking through the window of a Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) are (L to R) astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and Michael Collins speak with their wives (L to R) Pat Collins, Jan Armstrong, and Joan Aldrin at Ellington Air Force Base, 1969. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing Looking through the window of a Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) are (L to R) astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and Michael Collins speak with their wives (L to R) Pat Collins, Jan Armstrong, and Joan Aldrin at Ellington Air Force Base, 1969. Credit: NASA.

So, to stop contamination on Earth with Moon pathogens, the astronauts were held in an MQF or the Mobile Quarantine Facility for three weeks. 

The facility, built from a 35-foot aluminum Airstream trailer, was created by Melpar Inc. and included living and sleeping quarters, a complete kitchen, and a bathroom.

It additionally featured communication devices so the returned astronauts could talk to President Richard Nixon, and their families, who were aboard the USS Hornet to greet the crew back to Earth.

Eventually, it was learned there were no living germs on the Moon, and the quarantine procedure against “space germs” was abandoned after the Apollo 14 mission.

10) President Richard Nixon’s Contingency Speech

Picture showing a television split-screen shot shows President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office speaking to the Apollo 11 crew on the moon as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walk on the lunar surface, July 20, 1969. Credit: Robert Knudsen/White House/US National Archives and Records Administration.
Picture showing a television split-screen shot shows President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office speaking to the Apollo 11 crew on the moon as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walk on the lunar surface, July 20, 1969. Credit: Robert Knudsen/White House/US National Archives and Records Administration.

President Nixon had a speech made in case Neil and Buzz didn’t make it off the lunar surface, emphasizing the dangers of the famous first mission. 

Speechwriter William Safire recommended the president telephone the widows to extend his condolences before a speech, in which Safire made this opening line: 

Fate has made that the crew who went to the Moon to explore the Moon in peace will forever stay on the Moon to rest in peace.

Ans the prepared address also honored the two astronauts who – “know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.”

In the memorandum, Safire further suggested that after NASA stopped communication with the two astronauts, a pastor ought to commend “their souls ‘to the deepest of the deep'” and read the Lord’s Prayer.

11) The Toaster is More Advanced Than Apollo 11 Computer

Picture showing the AGC or the Apollo Guidance Computer. it is a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo command module (CM) and Apollo Lunar Module (LM). Credit: Wikipedia.
Picture showing the AGC or the Apollo Guidance Computer. it is a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo command module (CM) and Apollo Lunar Module (LM). Credit: Wikipedia.

Though the ACG or the Apollo Guidance Computer was cutting-edge technology for its time, when matched to the computer-based things we use every day, they were rather basic.

The Computer Weekly stated that these “ingenious computer systems” were no more powerful than a pocket calculator. And that the Apollo Guidance Computer was “more basic than the electronics in modern toasters. Those that have a computer-controlled start, stop, and defrost buttons.”

12) Anything to declare?

Picture showing the customs and immigration form filled out by the returning Apollo 11 crew. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing the customs and immigration form filled out by the returning Apollo 11 crew. Credit: NASA.

After their arrival in Honolulu after their extraterrestrial travels, the Apollo 11 crew jokingly filled out customs and immigration forms. And among the items declared was; “moon rock and moon dust samples.”

So, when questioned if they had any conditions on board that could lead to the spread of any disease, they filled in: “To be determined.”

13) The Welcome Committee in The Pacific

Picture showing The Apollo 11 crew and a US Navy underwater demolition team swimmer pickup by the USS Hornet recovery ship. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing The Apollo 11 crew and a US Navy underwater demolition team swimmer pickup by the USS Hornet recovery ship. Credit: NASA.

The historic Apollo 11 crew landed in the North Pacific Ocean on July 24, 1969, about 900 miles southwest of Hawaii. They were met by Lieutenant Clancy Hatleberg of the famous US Navy’s Underwater Demolition Team-11 at the floating capsule. 

Clancy brought biological isolation garments for himself and the Apollo 11 crew members, in case they had been infected with extraterrestrial germs.

The crew put on their suits before getting on the lifeboat, and Hatleberg then sprayed down the entire capsule, the Apollo 11 crew, and himself with disinfectant before they were picked out from the Pacific and brought aboard the USS Hornet rescue ship.

The astronauts wore the suits from the moment the hatch opened until they were sealed inside a quarantine facility onboard the USS Hornet.

So, when the ship docked in Hawaii, the closed facility was loaded onto an Air Force transport plane and flown to the famous Ellington Air Force Base outside Houston, in Texas, where the three crewmembers waited out the full quarantine period of twenty-one days.

14) TV History

Picture showing Buzz Aldrin stands beside a solar wind experiment next to the Lunar Module spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. Credit: NASA.
Picture showing Buzz Aldrin stands beside a solar wind experiment next to the Lunar Module spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. Credit: NASA.

Around 650 million viewers worldwide watched the moon landing, and it was the most-watched TV event in the US up to that date.

Neil deployed a single TV camera thirty feet away from the “Eagle” for the transmission back to Earth. It was sending back black-and-white images of himself and Buzz bobbing around on the Moon’s landscape.

According to NASA, the data speed for the entire broadcast was 51.2 kilobits per second, which was slower than a 56K dial-up modem.

15) Global Superstars

Picture showing Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin, command module pilot Michael Collins and commander Neil Armstrong, seen in the lead car are showered in ticker tape during a parade down Broadway and Park Avenue in New York City, August 13, 1969.
Credit: Bill Taub/NASA.
Picture showing Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin, command module pilot Michael Collins and commander Neil Armstrong, seen in the lead car are showered in ticker tape during a parade down Broadway and Park Avenue in New York City, August 13, 1969. Credit: Bill Taub/NASA.

After their return to Earth, the Apollo 11 astronauts embarked on a global goodwill tour aboard an Air Force II to twenty-seven cities, in twenty-four countries, in forty-five days. 

This tour involved a ticker-tape parade down Broadway in New York City, and It stops in far-flung Japan, Pakistan, Mexico, the Canary Islands, Iran, and Congo. And meetings with the pope, royalties, and dignitaries.

Want To Know More About The Moon?

If you want to know more about our Moon and especially the most prominent crater of them all, Tycho crater? Then visit this interesting article. You will be amazed.

Thanks for reading, see also my posts on: Why was the Saturn V rocket painted white and black? There’s a pretty cool answer to this one. Find out here. You will be surprised.

The new book ‘How We Got to the Moon’ will reveal a stunning look at Apollo 11 Mission to the Moon.

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