Who was the youngest Apollo astronaut to walk on the Moon?


Space exploration has given rise to many fascinating tales and records. Can you guess who the youngest Apollo astronaut to walk on the Moon was? Dive in as we shed light on this intriguing piece of lunar history.

Who was Charles Duke? 

“Who was the youngest Apollo astronaut to walk on the Moon?” is a question that leads us directly to Charles Duke. The youngest Apollo astronaut to walk on the Moon was Charles Duke. He achieved this remarkable feat during the Apollo 16 mission in 1972. An iconic figure in the annals of space exploration, Charles Duke was an astronaut with NASA and served as the lunar module pilot for the Apollo 16 mission. Being a part of this esteemed Apollo program, Duke etched his name into history books with his remarkable Moon landing, representing humanity’s pursuit to conquer the unknown.

Charles Moss Duke Jr. served as an astronaut, USAF officer, and test pilot for the United States. During his time as the Lunar Module pilot for Apollo 16 in 1972, he made history as the youngest individual, at just 36 years and 201 days old, to walk on the Moon.
Charles Moss Duke Jr. served as an astronaut, USAF officer, and test pilot for the United States. During his time as the Lunar Module pilot for Apollo 16 in 1972, he made history as the youngest individual, at just 36 years and 201 days old, to walk on the Moon.

Why was Duke the youngest Apollo astronaut to walk on the Moon? 

When discussing the youngest Apollo astronaut to set foot on the lunar surface, Charles Duke’s name naturally comes to the fore. He was 36 years, 6 months, and 15 days old at the time of the moon landing. This age might seem mature by typical standards, but in the rigorous and challenging world of NASA’s astronaut training, it’s a testament to Duke’s expertise and proficiency. 

To become an astronaut and, subsequently, to be chosen for a Moon mission, one needed exceptional skills and experience, and Duke achieved this milestone at a relatively young age. His youth, paired with his determination, set him apart, ensuring his place in NASA’s Moon landing chronicles.

Curious about what it takes to become an astronaut? Dive into our article here and discover the journey to the stars!

At the Kennedy Space Center, in a field simulating the lunar surface, Apollo 16 astronauts John W. Young and Charles M. Duke, Jr. practiced maneuvering a training model of the lunar roving vehicle.
At the Kennedy Space Center, in a field simulating the lunar surface, Apollo 16 astronauts John W. Young and Charles M. Duke, Jr. practiced maneuvering a training model of the lunar roving vehicle.

Fascinating Insights into Charles Duke’s Life and Legacy

  • Early Beginnings: Born on October 3, 1935, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Charles Duke’s journey to space started in the American South.
  • Academic Achievements: Duke earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Sciences from the U.S. Naval Academy and a Master of Science degree in Aeronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • Military Service: Before joining NASA, Duke was a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force and logged over 4,000 hours of flying time, showcasing his dedication and skill.
  • Moonwalk Duration: During the Apollo 16 mission, Duke spent a whopping 71 hours on the lunar surface, conducting experiments and exploration. Out of those, he walked on the Moon for over 20 hours!
  • Lunar Footprint: Charles Duke left a personal photograph of his family on the Moon’s surface, providing a touching human element to the space mission.
  • Post-NASA Activities: After retiring from NASA in 1975, Duke became an active Christian lay witness and went on to pen his autobiography titled “Moonwalker.”
  • Distinguished Awards: Over the years, Duke received numerous awards and honors, including the NASA Distinguished Service Medal and the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal.
  • Continued Involvement: Even in his later years, Duke remained active in the space community, often attending space-related events, sharing his experiences, and inspiring the next generation of space enthusiasts.
Astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr. of Apollo 16 is captured collecting lunar samples at the Descartes landing site, standing at the rim of the 40-meter wide Plum crater. The photograph, taken by Commander John W. Young, also showcases the parked Lunar Roving Vehicle in the distance.
Astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr. of Apollo 16 is captured collecting lunar samples at the Descartes landing site, standing at the rim of the 40-meter-wide Plum crater. The photograph, taken by Commander John W. Young, also showcases the parked Lunar Roving Vehicle in the distance.

What did Duke do during his time on the Moon? 

As part of the Apollo 16 mission, Charles Duke, aboard the lunar module, had specific tasks to accomplish. His iconic moonwalk, a term synonymous with space exploration, was filled with vital geology experiments. 

Understanding the Moon’s geology was crucial for space exploration. Duke, with his team, gathered lunar samples, conducted experiments, and analyzed the lunar surface’s topography. This hands-on approach to geology not only added volumes to our understanding of the Moon but also laid down the foundation for future lunar explorations.

A family portrait of Charlie Duke was left on the moon's surface. Cat Crater, named at Station 14, honors his sons Charles and Tom, while Dot Crater at Station 16 is named after his wife.
A family portrait of Charlie Duke was left on the moon’s surface. Cat Crater, named at Station 14, honors his sons, Charles and Tom, while Dot Crater, at Station 16, is named after his wife.

What did Duke do after his time on the Moon? 

After engraving his legacy with his moonwalk, Charles Duke didn’t just rest on his laurels. As an astronaut, he continued to contribute significantly to NASA, sharing his invaluable experiences and knowledge. 

Over time, Duke transitioned from his role as an astronaut to pursue a distinguished career in public speaking. His tales of space exploration inspired many, offering a firsthand account of the challenges and triumphs of setting foot on another celestial body. His post-moon life was as vibrant and impactful, making him a beacon of inspiration for those passionate about space and beyond.

From walking on the Moon to a journey of faith on Earth! Dive into the fascinating autobiography “Moonwalker” by Charles Duke, the Apollo 16 astronaut. Discover his transition from NASA to becoming a Christian lay witness. Available now on Amazon. Grab your copy today!

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Age Milestones: The Youngest and Oldest Astronauts to Walk on the Moon During the Apollo Missions

The youngest person to walk on the Moon was Charles Duke, who was 36 years, 201 days old, when he stepped onto the lunar surface during Apollo 16. Alan Shepard was the oldest person to walk on the Moon; he was 47 years and 80 days old when he stepped on the lunar surface during Apollo 14.


Charles Duke’s legacy as the youngest Apollo astronaut to walk on the Moon is undeniably significant. His contributions to NASA, space exploration, and geology have been profound. 

Beyond just his professional achievements, Duke stands as a symbol of inspiration, showcasing what humanity can achieve with determination and a spirit of exploration. His story continues to inspire countless individuals, reminding us of the vast potential of space exploration and the boundaries we can push when driven by curiosity and passion.

If you’re curious about the specifics of the Apollo 11 journey, find out in detail how long it took Apollo 11 to get to the Moon and back in our dedicated article.

12 Moonwalkers


Who is Charles Duke?

Charles Duke is an American astronaut who was the lunar module pilot for the Apollo 16 mission, making him the tenth person to walk on the Moon.

When did Charles Duke walk on the Moon?

Charles Duke walked on the Moon during the Apollo 16 mission in April 1972.

What did Charles Duke leave on the Moon?

Charles Duke left a personal photograph of his family on the lunar surface during the Apollo 16 mission.

Did Charles Duke fly on any other space missions?

Apollo 16 was the only space mission Charles Duke participated in as an astronaut.

What did Charles Duke do after his time at NASA?

After retiring from NASA, Charles Duke became a Christian lay witness and also wrote an autobiography titled “Moonwalker.”

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