The Czech Republic joins the Artemis Accords: A New Dawn for Peaceful Moon Exploration

On May 3, 2023, NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., witnessed a historic moment when the Czech Republic officially signed the Artemis Accords, becoming the 24th country to sign the international agreement.

The Czech Foreign Affairs Minister, Jan Lipavský, signed the agreement on behalf of the nation alongside NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

The Artemis Accords lay out the principles for responsible exploration and development of the Moon and space, and the addition of the Czech Republic to the list of signatories marks an important milestone in the quest for peaceful moon exploration.

Lipavský emphasized the role of the Artemis Accords

During the ceremony, Lipavský emphasized the role of the Artemis Accords in enabling closer cooperation and coordination between like-minded nations.

He added that the Czech Republic’s signature would help to kickstart the development of institutional and industrial cooperation within the Artemis community.

This will contribute significantly to the sustainable exploration of space and the establishment of a long-term presence on the Moon.

The Czech Republic has a rich history of research in space sciences, spanning decades, and it continues to be at the forefront of space technology development.

For instance, the nation is currently developing equipment for NASA’s planned moon-orbiting Lunar Gateway space station, as well as the European Large Logistics Lander that will be able to transport tons of cargo to and from the Moon.

Additionally, the European Space Agency (ESA) funded studies at several Czech research institutions in April 2023 aimed at assessing the feasibility of building a nuclear rocket for deep-space exploration.

The significance of the Artemis Accords lies in their ability to provide a framework for international cooperation in space exploration.

The accords take their name from the Greek goddess of the Moon, Artemis, for whom NASA’s Artemis program is also named.

Czech Republic Becomes 24th Country to Sign Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters

They were launched in 2020 by NASA and the U.S. Department of State as a non-binding framework that lays out broad principles for peaceful international cooperation in space.

The first eight countries to sign the accords were the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, Italy, Luxembourg, and the United Arab Emirates.

The list of signatories now includes a total of 24 nations, including the Czech Republic.

Responsible Moon Exploration: Principles of the Artemis Accords Explained

The signatories have agreed to work together to promote peaceful exploration and utilization of outer space and to prevent harmful interference with the activities of other nations in space.

The principles enshrined in the Artemis Accords include transparency, interoperability, emergency assistance, registration of space objects, and the extraction and use of space resources in a manner consistent with international law.

The Artemis Accords provide a roadmap for peaceful and responsible exploration and utilization of outer space, ensuring that the benefits of space exploration are shared among all nations.

International cooperation is essential for the sustainable exploration of space, and the Czech Republic’s accession to the Artemis Accords is a significant step towards achieving this goal.


In conclusion, the Czech Republic’s signature on the Artemis Accords marks an important milestone in the quest for peaceful moon exploration.

The accords provide a framework for international cooperation in space exploration, ensuring that the benefits of space exploration are shared among all nations.

With the principles enshrined in the accords, the world can look forward to a new era of sustainable exploration and utilization of outer space, where cooperation is the norm and the possibilities for discovery and innovation are endless.

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