Did Buzz Aldrin Nearly Crash the Lunar Lander Due to a Computer Overload?


Ever wondered how close Buzz Aldrin came to turning Apollo 11’s triumph into a catastrophe? Dive into the gripping tale of computer overloads, last-minute alarms, and the quick thinking that saved the day during humanity’s first Moon landing.

Buzz Aldrin: The Hero Who Steered Clear of Disaster

Buzz Aldrin

It’s essential to clarify that Buzz Aldrin, one of the iconic astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission, is far from a culprit in the near-crash scenario. In fact, his expertise and quick decision-making were pivotal in navigating the lunar lander through what could have been a catastrophic computer failure.

Aldrin was confronted with a bewildering array of alarms and system overloads in the spacecraft’s most crucial moments. Yet, his training and natural aptitude for problem-solving came into play, as he worked in tandem with ground control to interpret and act upon the incoming data.

In a real-time setting with no room for error, Aldrin’s contributions were invaluable. He displayed both courage and technical proficiency, qualities that helped ensure the mission’s ultimate success. Buzz Aldrin is a hero in the annals of space history, not a footnote cautioning against the perils of human error or technology.

If you’re fascinated by the intricacies of the technology behind the Apollo missions, our article on Apollo Flight Computers: How They Facilitated Moon Landing offers in-depth insights.

Apollo 11 and Its Onboard Computer

Apollo 11, the first mission to land humans on the Moon, was a monumental achievement in space exploration. At the heart of this mission was the Lunar Module, “Eagle,” piloted by Buzz Aldrin. Critical to the spacecraft was its onboard computer, known as the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)

Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)

This computer was designed to handle both the Command Module and Lunar Module operations. With 64KB of memory and operating at 0.043 MHz, it was a masterpiece of engineering for its time. However, during the landing phase, this computer nearly caused a disaster. Let’s examine the moment Buzz Aldrin almost crashed the Lunar Module due to a computer overload.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the groundbreaking technology that facilitated the Moon landing, don’t miss our detailed piece on Apollo Flight Computers: How They Facilitated Moon Landing.

The Descent Phase: Overloaded Computer

Apollo Flight Computers: How They Facilitated Moon Landing?

The Lunar Module began its descent to the Moon’s surface smoothly. However, things took a turn when the onboard computer started to raise a series of alarms. Among these was the dreaded 1202 alarm, the most severe alarm that the Apollo Guidance Computer could trigger. 

The computer was already operating at about 80% of its capacity, dealing with navigational data, engine controls, and more. In engineering terms, running a system this close to its limits is generally not recommended. Nonetheless, the team on Earth had calculated that this would be sufficient for the landing.

The Rendezvous Radar: An Unanticipated Issue

Rendezvous Radar

In addition to the descent radar, the Lunar Module was equipped with a rendezvous radar. This radar was primarily meant for locating the Command Module during takeoff from the Moon. Though it was useless during the landing phase, it unfortunately triggered a hardware bug

This bug sent a continuous stream of irrelevant data to the already-overloaded computer. The situation was comparable to having a friend tap you incessantly on the shoulder when you’re trying to concentrate. This constant interruption put an extra 15% load on the computer, effectively pushing it to a precarious 95% utilization.

Adding More Load: Buzz Aldrin’s Input

Buzz Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin, excited and focused, decided to input a particular command: Verb 16 Noun 68. This command requests the computer to display extra landing information and continually recalculate it. This might seem like a minor addition, but it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. 

Aldrin had used this command during training simulations without a hitch, but in the real-world scenario, it added an extra 10% load to the computer. The computer was now operating at 105%, clearly beyond its limits.

The 1202 Alarm: A Race Against Time

As the 1202 alarm went off, there was no longer enough memory to process additional tasks. Aldrin quickly keyed in diagnostic commands to understand what had triggered the alarm. 

In the meantime, the computer initiated a partial self-reset. This self-reset excluded the task generated by the Verb 16 Noun 68 command, thereby eliminating the extra 10% load. This allowed the system to stabilize, albeit temporarily.

Lunar Module Eagle

Recurring Alarms: A Learning Curve

Aldrin, still unaware of the connection between his input and the alarms, tried the Verb 16 Noun 68 command again. This triggered another alarm, a 1201, similar in nature to the 1202. 

Yet again, the computer managed a partial self-reset and continued functioning. It was at this point that Aldrin realized his command was the catalyst for the alarms. From then on, he refrained from using it.


After the Apollo 11 mission, NASA made a number of changes to the lunar lander to prevent similar computer errors from happening in the future. These changes included upgrading the computer’s hardware and software and making the computer system more robust.

The Apollo 11 mission’s near-disaster is a compelling story of how a complex web of technological elements can interact in unpredictable ways. Despite the challenges, quick thinking by Aldrin and robust systems averted a crisis, allowing for humanity’s first steps on the Moon.

If you’re intrigued by the complexities of the Apollo Guidance Computer and its crucial role during the Apollo 11 mission, you might find our in-depth article on the Apollo Guidance Computer and Its Significance During the Apollo 11 Mission to be a fascinating read.


1. What was the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)?

The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was an onboard computer used in the Apollo missions. For the Apollo 11 mission, it was crucial for controlling the Lunar Module and aiding in landing and takeoff operations. It had 64KB of memory and operated at a speed of 0.043 MHz.

2. What was the 1202 Alarm?

The 1202 alarm was the most serious alert that could be triggered by the AGC. During the Apollo 11 descent phase, this alarm went off, indicating that the computer was overloaded. It meant that there was no more memory to process additional tasks, putting the entire mission at risk.

3. What role did the Rendezvous Radar play in the incident?

The rendezvous radar was primarily meant for docking with the Command Module during takeoff from the Moon. However, due to a hardware bug, it started sending a constant stream of useless data to the already-overloaded AGC during landing. This contributed an extra 15% load, pushing the computer to 95% utilization.

4. How did Buzz Aldrin’s command, “Verb 16 Noun 68,” affect the situation?

Verb 16 Noun 68 is a command that asks the AGC to display additional landing data. Buzz Aldrin entered this command during the descent, unknowingly adding a further 10% load to the computer. This caused the system to be overloaded, triggering the 1202 and subsequent alarms.

5. How was the crisis averted?

When the 1202 and subsequent alarms were triggered, the AGC initiated a partial self-reset. This reset deliberately excluded tasks that were not considered mission-critical, such as Aldrin’s Verb 16 Noun 68 command. This reduced the overload, allowing the AGC to stabilize and the mission to continue.

For those interested in the groundbreaking technology that Aldrin and his team had at their disposal, you’ll find our in-depth article on the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) to be a treasure trove of information.


For a deeper dive into this riveting topic, we recommend the following source:

  • Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer

Watch this in-depth analysis of the Apollo 11 computer overload incident on YouTube for a visual and detailed account.

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